Inspector Marigold does a doubletake!

Inspector Marigold must look at every task that is done here, especially when it is computer related. She does not want any blog post interruptions! As most often happens, when you really need to print something, the printer cartridge is empty. I needed to replace the black one. The cartridges cost much more than they are worth, but we are held hostage by the manufacturers. I have taken matters into my own hands. I bought a black refill kit. For less than the price of one cartridge, I can fill 4 – 8! The operation went well. I didn’t even spill any ink or get any on me! Marigold inspects the finished cartridge.

cat on table

Smells full to me!

Marigold on table

Who is going to clear off this table? I want my paper bag back! Who said you could use it?


Marigold does a doubletake is just a guess. It is a weird digital photo. It looks like maybe her head is double exposed. With a film camera I would believe it, but not with a digital. I am not a photography expert. Is a puzzlement! There is no mirror in the room. I have next to no ability with regard to “photo editing”. Taken with a phone. Perhaps it was a low light slow exposure and I moved? Any thoughts? Maybe she was just beside herself.

2015-02-15 marigold doubletake 2 550 px


  1. Lieber Greg,

    Fiona mag es auch wenn der Drucker in Arbeit ist, dann kommt sie ebenfalls schauen was da los ist. 🙂
    Das Foto mit der doppelten Marigold ist ein super Schnappschuss. Warum es so gekommen ist kann ich dir nicht sagen, eventuell etwas mit der Belichtung vermutlich.
    Ich habe auch schon komische Bilder von mir fotografiert sehen können und weiss bis heute keine Antwort wieso die so geworden sind.

    Liebe Grüsse

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  2. Das ist ja ein zufälliges -besonderes Foto^^ Vielleicht ein Zwischenbild weil du zwei Mal geklickt hast oder einmal zu langsam…egal, wie auch immer ich finde es toll. Sozusagen die gute Seele von ihr gezeigt 😉

    An die Nachfüller habe ich mich noch nicht getraut. Klasse dass du deine Erfahrung mit uns teilst.

    Herzliche Grüsse an euch


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  3. That photo is so cool. Beside herself – MOL! I am impressed that you refilled your ink. I am too afraid to make a big mess , glad it worked for you.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Marigold’s a spirited cat! Great accidental digital shot! Good for you refilling your own printer ink! My HP needs toner…$$$$…🤑! Have a wonderful rest of the week! 💛 Elizabeth

    Liked by 1 person

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