Scooby and I

Scooby cat

Scooby (edited photo)

Scooby and I are trying to entertain ourselves. A big storm blew through and knocked out our power. So we listen to music on a battery powered radio. You may notice Scooby’s shaved neck. He had something inserted into his jugular vein at the hospital so they could monitor his blood. As you can see, he is looking much better. We do have differences about how much food he gets, and when he gets it. We are having a discussion about that right now. I am afraid we cannot make changes yet, and must follow the doctor’s advice.


  1. Lieber Greg,
    ja es scheint eine sehr wichtige Unterhaltung zu sein. Denn wenn es ums Essen geht dann verstehe ich den Scooby, dass er mit dir ein Wörtchen zu reden hat. Doch du machst das richtig, machen was der Arzt sagt. Scooby sieht tatsächlich besser aus und ich freu mich für ihn und für dich.
    Mittlerweile ist der Sturm bestimmt vorbei und ich hoffe ohne Schäden überstanden.

    Ganz liebe Grüsse

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  2. Was für ein schönes Foto von euch, gefällt mir, und ja, Scooby sieht wirklich schon gut aus. Darüber freue ich mich sehr und niedlich anzuschauen wie ihr Beide euch so gegenübersitzt. Wird er nach eurem Gespräch bestimmt verstanden haben dass du und der Doc nur sein bestes wollen.

    Hoffe mal der Sturm hat keine Schäden angerichtet.

    Liebe Grüsse


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  3. Sorry your power is out, that stinks. Nice to see Scooby, he looks healthy. I am sure he would love more food, maybe someday.


    1. Power outages happen frequently to me. Maybe one day Scooby can eat some treats, but it is too early for that now. Next week he goes back for another blood check, and we shall see what new insulin dose he will receive. Now he is down to 1/2 unit once per day. Maybe we will go to zero. That is the hope. Regardless he will have to be monitored closely. Thanks for your visit, Ellen.


  4. It sure is a good sign that he’s asking for food! I wonder if, because he’s been through so much since you adopted him, if you’ve bonded that much more because of it. I know that happened with Tucker and I. I usually read when the power goes out, by flashlight if necessary.

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  5. Oh, I’m so glad he’s doing better. One of my cats who passed away a few years ago had feline urinary tract disease and almost died from it – spent 2 days in the hospital. Such a scare.

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    1. When I got Scooby in October he had both a urinary tract infection, and crystals in the bladder. When he was peeing all over the house, I knew something was wrong. Those problems were quickly cleared up.


  6. Scooby is looking very, very good. And the fact that he is more demanding and discerning about his food, I think, is a very good sign.
    I was lucky and did not lose power here….which is good because if the power goes out and I’m in my “power” recliner I have a heck of a time getting out of it. Diavolo has seen it a few times and I’m sure he is doing his “cat laugh” on the inside.
    I love the way the news people say if you lose power you can watch them on line. Well, if I lose power I also have not internet so I can’t watch anything online. No “smart” phone for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes you can watch online with your phone–til the battery dies, which does not take long watching video. I suppose it is obvious that the power is back, so I could post this?


      1. but without a phone with a data plan (I have voice only) I’d have to settle for the battery powered radio (I have one too) for news and music. Been there before and done that.
        Yes, I assumed your power was back.

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