Reflections 8


Scooby and me

Reflections is my series of photographs which were not posted, or posted and not viewed, or from my old deleted Blogger blog. Scooby was not present at the time the photos below were taken. Enjoy.
Many MORE photos follow:

cat sleeping

Opie sleeping

3 cats on sofa

Zeke Marigold and Opie on sofa

3 cats by window

Marigold Opie and Zeke want out the window into the catio

cat in grass

Opie in grass

cat asleep

Marigold asleep

2 cats outside

Opie and Marigold outside

cat by door

Zeke by door

2 cats playing

Opie and Zeke playing



2 cats on balcony

Opie and Zeke on balcony

cat in catio

Opie in catio

cat by fireplace

Opie by fireplace


    1. The photos are not too old, and the cats are all alive and well. Two more “reflection” posts, and I will be all caught up. Then what shall I do??? You don’t want to lose your SD card!!!


  1. Lieber Greg,
    ganz tolle Bilder von euch allen. Das erste gefällt mir besonders gut. Auch das wo Zecke aus dem Fenster schaut ist lustig. Danke für die vielen Einblicke.

    Julia mit Fiona & Finn

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great photos, I really like the one of you and Scooby. They are all wonderful though, I like how your cats all hang out together on the couch.

    Liked by 1 person

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