Happy Thanksgiving!

Once more I will dive into my father’s postcard collection. He kept many of them when he was a child, which I found after he died carefully stored away in a box. Most of them are Valentines–some of which I previously posted. Today for Thanksgiving I have only one “new” one to post. It was copyrighted in 1917 but sent in 1922.

1917 Thanksgiving postcard

1917 postcard


Zeke warns: Don’t eat too much Turkey on Thanksgiving!

Like every Thanksgiving, the cats will be prowling about underfoot when they smell the turkey roasting. Fear not that they will each have some!


  1. That is a nice postcard. And thanks for the warning Zeke, but being that I have a 21 pound turkey for 4 people I am definitely going to eat too much. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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