Snow (the third day)

Yesterday was the third day of the snow storm. I documented the cats’ activity and post it for you all today. Thousands are STILL without power, because many falling trees knocked down the power lines. My luck held. So, what’s been going on?

Scooby asleep

What I found in my bed when I woke up. Not interested in the catio

More photos:
zeke catio

Zeke surveying the backyard as he always does.

Opie catio

Miss Opie decided to join Zeke in the pre-dawn catio. I think the photos look colder in black and white. Don’t you?

Opie catio

It is pitch black out in the catio. Only the camera flash shows me what is going on. That is why Opie’s pupils are wide open.

Zeke catio

Zeke having a better look

Marigold sweater

What is Marigold doing all this time? Trying on Scooby’s snowman sweater! Aspiring fashion model?

Scooby Zeke in bed

Nothing else to do the rest of the day for the boys except get comfortable.


  1. The catio does look colder in black and white. It looks like you’re in the depth of a far-north winter! I think snuggling in a sweater or under a blanket is a great idea.


    1. Besides the usual outdoor hazards for cats, there are coyotes as well. In 2005 or thereabouts, coyotes ate my neighbors pet cats, leaving the heads and collars! I decided mine were no longer going to roam free. They are never locked outside in it, as the entry window is always open, if I am at home, No catio access when I am gone or at night. Doing some minor repairs on it. Thanks for your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Gosh the black and white photos do make it feel colder it was nice to see the warm colourful one of Marigold trying out Scooby’s snowman sweater it really suits her.🐱🐾🐾🐾

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Was soll man auch machen bei solch einem Wetter. Warme Pullover anprobieren ist schon mal eine gute Idee 🙂 Bei uns ist es wieder kälter geworden. Aber der Schnee bleibt aus. Ich für meinen Teil brauche auch keinen Winter mehr – Frühling wäre eine bessere Alternative.
    LG Christiane

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Liebe Christiane,
      Was soll mann auch machen bei solch einem Wetter? Deine Winter sind härter als meine Winter. Winter hier bedeutet keine Arbeit. Frühling bedeutet viel Arbeit für mich deshalb bevorzuge ich Winter!


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