Unusual Billboard Cat! (Updated July 28, 2017)

cat marijuana billboard

Marijuana Billboard

This post shows a nearby marijuana billboard with a cat on it! And you thought you had seen everything! There are four shops within walking distance to my house.  UPDATE: July 28, 2017.  The issue of course is the picture of the cat, as you can read about in some of the posted comments here.  A law has just been passed which only allows the name, address, and name of the product(s) sold to be on the billboard.  “Mascots” and “cartoons” are not allowed, which means no more cats on the signs.  I guess this puts the issue to rest.  The present signs comply with the law and are unremarkable.



Scooby Billboard

Not to be outdone!


  1. Update: today your voices were heard. The sign is gone, and replaced with a text only sign that says,”You smoke our weed. We smoke the competition.” I think this slogan sends the wrong message than what they meant!

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  2. Dat’s pawful. ‘Specially since it can be deadly to kitties. We like da nip and vine much better. Now ifin we could just get mommy to plant some up fur us. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

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    1. That sign was changed. Before it was simply a text sign easily ignored, but the cat caught my eye. I suspect there are more identical ones about, but I just haven’t seen them.


  3. Well sure seen it all now but why a cat maybe as someone said to attract attention,I really don’t think a cat is suitable but when you think about it what would be suitable.Much prefer Scooby s poster better by far.x🐾🐾🐾🐾😻😸

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  4. scooby…..well …de sign getz yur a ten shunz ….tho sum thin like….a cloud…..may bee…wooda werked better…..

    less they wanna sell catnip; most prob a blee willna “get” de “grass” …
    “nip” ….cat thing….

    hope full lee noe one gives “grass” two a cat….

    N yea yur signs total lee better dood ! ☺☺♥♥

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