The cats amuse themselves

This post just shows the cats about the house amusing themselves.

Scooby sleeping

An inconvenient place to sleep (for me) Are my arms three feet long?

Marigold and Scooby

Grand Central Station!

Marigold and Scooby

Who invited you?

Opie in sink

You are too big to sleep in this!

Scooby mirror

Think I got a cavity!

zeke eating

Zeke eating in peace

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  1. I think someone can curl up small enough to fit in the bathroom sink. I had a cat who curled up there quite often. It made brushing my teeth before work quite difficult.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Katzen finden immer besondere Plätze und sie lieben es in Kontakt mit ihrem Menschen zu sein. Bei mir schläft oft der schwarze Willy auf der Tastatur und ich muss umständlich drumherum hantieren um am PC arbeiten zu können. Aber im Waschbecken hat von unseren Katzen noch keine gesessen 🙂
    LG Christiane

    Liked by 2 people

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