Catio Closed! What???????????????

Catio closed!

Is it an earthquake? Is it a tornado? Is it a lava flow? No, we are getting a new roof. I do not want pieces of the old roof falling upon your heads along with other dirt. So, we have the catio covered to keep debris out. I do not want to have to go inside to clean it either. You still cannot go out in it. It will be too noisy and scary. And so it was, for some, but not for others. Scooby, who should be retitled Scooby the Fearless, took no notice of the hammering and banging at all, only occasionally looking upwards toward the sound of the occasional big thump. Marigold as well would just as soon sleep until it was over. On the other hand, Opie skulked about, and would sit by me for my magic protection from all scary things. As long as I was serene, no worries. Zeke burrowed into the back of the closet underneath the stairs, and had to be coaxed out. Then he went to his safe home under the bed, where he stayed all day until they quit for the night. It was only two days, and normalcy has resumed as though nothing has happened.


Is this blue bin our new litter box? How will it fit in the door?

house and catio

Catio Closed! Covered to protect from roof debris. There was a work crew of four

Scooby sleeping

Scooby the Fearless sleeps

Marigold in cat bed

Marigold is not disturbed

Opie cat

Opie resting in a somewhat worried fashion

scooby catio

Back to normal

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  1. Otis is not a fan of loud noise. Whenever I dump the freezer bin of ice cubes into the picnic cooler, it makes quite a crash, and he flies like a blur up the stairs and under the bed. Wish there was some way to warn him ahead of time! 🙂


    1. Noises are more an indication of something interestingly new happening, and not a fear stimulus–except when It comes to Zeke and the doorbell. He does not want to encounter new people.


  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaaw We’re sorry ya’ll had to put up with all dat stuffs. We got a new roof a while back too, and it was fur sure noisy. Glad things are back to normal. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh jeh, das war bestimmt Aufregung pur und deine Samtpfoten sind nun wieder zufrieden. Geht ja mal gar nicht soviel Krach und kein Catio 😉

    Viele Grüsse


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great everything came to a happy peaceful ending.🐾🐾🐾🐾 well apart from everyone wanting out earlier.😸😻😸😻💞

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Having the window open so they can go in and out when they want is a number one priority. Of course, when I am not home, it must be empty and closed until I return. There is no food or water for them out there, so they must come in for that.


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