Whose box is this?

Whose box is this? I think Marigold was in it first, but Scooby just had to jump in as well. He would not be so quick if it were a swimming pool! These two get along well enough that there will be no rough-housing in the box.

Scooby Marigold box

Scooby says this is a pretty nice box!

Scooby Marigold

Marigold says I was here first! If you stay I put a flea in your ear!

Scooby box

Scooby says, are you kidding me?

Scooby in box

This is a tight fit!

Scooby box

It fell over!  I think I have a flea in my ear!

Zeke box

Zeke asks, is this box for me?


  1. Not the dreaded flea in the ear trick! Sometimes I think I order merchandise from a certain giant online company just so I can have a good supply of boxes!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That certainly bothers me…. but when I weigh that against driving my car in traffic, wasting gas looking for a parking space and driving home in even more traffic, which is worse? Fossil fuels vs trees. Of course in my case that is not a valid point of discussion as most of my shopping is done on foot or by bus. So for me I guess I answered my own question. So my only excuse is that the cats need a continuous supply of boxes….


  2. Das muss wohl das Gen der Katzen sein, sie lieben Kartons, und so wie Gismo: er liebt Weihnachten wenn ich die Dekorationskarton wieder hervorhole.

    Wünsche dir noch einen schönen 1.Advent und sende herzliche Grüsse rüber


    Liked by 1 person

  3. With Chewy delivery we’ll soon have plenty of boxes. Did you notice they suggest taking a photo of your cat in their box, with the logo showing of course. I think there was something about posting it on their Facebook page but since I’m not on Facebook I stopped reading.
    It’s a charming picture of the gorgeous Zeke.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Had me chuckling! You know you are a cat person when every photo story about boxes and cats gets you laughing! Lots of fun, Greg, and I always enjoy seeing your beautiful cats, not matter what they are doing.

    Liked by 2 people

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