1. Awww, Scooby is really cute as an elf! (He looks an awful like the cat visiting Spike’s mom’s garden. I wonder if he rode the sleigh across the Atlantic?)

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      1. Yeah, or we could just say, Scotty, beam me over. Wouldn’t that be awesome? You and Chris and your cats could spend your free time together. If it wasn’t too expensive (and of course teleportation would be), I’d love to see pyramids around the world.

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        1. Scooby will never make the trip as it is rough flight for a human let alone a cat–at least in coach. Once I was bumped to first class! Believe it or not, I made that round trip six times in my life. Didn’t think I’d be planning more. We are both buying lotto tickets at the moment as transporter not available to us. Never a big fan of pyramids but seen Chichén Itzá near Cancun Mexico. What they don’t tell you about is the mosquitos!


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