Summer Memories in the Catio

Summer Memories in the Catio consists of unposted photos of the three residents of the Feline Cafe in the catio this summer. Rain and chill will soon be here and lounging outside in the catio will not always be the daily option as it was during the long lazy sunny summer days. Soon the spot in front of the fireplace will take precedence.

zeke in catio watching squirrel
Zeke watching Squirrel in catio
Opie in catio
Scooby in catio
Scooby Zeke in catio
Scooby and Zeke
Scooby Zeke catio
Zeke and Scooby, Look at that!
Zeke in catio
Opie in catio
Scooby in catio asleep
Greg signature block small
signature greg


  1. They look so happy enjoying the sunny cat patio. Poor Midnight. The closest he gets to a catpatio is a little tent I got him. I’m no builder. He keeps saying, “See how great that cat patio is. Look at those lolling cats. Don’t you love how they stretch out on that wooden plank. Isn’t that so cool?”

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  2. Viel zu schnell wieder vorbei, die Zeit rast nur so hin. Schöne “kuschelige” Erinnerungen sind geblieben, und all deine Samtpfoten freuen sich bestimmt schon auf den nächsten Sommer.

    Liebe Grüsse


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    1. First thing I have to do in the morning when I get up is open the entrance so they can go out and check the weather and backyard for intruders. 😺 Second thing is put out cat breakfasts!


    1. Looks like Summer has flown away, Correne, and I now dressed the blog in the cloudy grey Pacific Northwest motif for Autumn instead of the desert tan previously used for summer! Threw the comforter upon my bed this morning. Soon it will become a popular sleeping place in the afternoon for the cats. Thanks for your visit and comments! 😺

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      1. Greg, we probably have possums, but I know we have raccoons, bobcats, gators, lots of bird, armadillos, snakes, and squirrels…. Of all those things, Purrseidon only has problems with squirrels…. Strange cat.

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