‘Tis the Season for . . .

Christmas is coming and ‘Tis the Season for . . . playing in packing paper! It is not just the arriving cardboard boxes that are fun, but the packing paper you find inside as well. Today Zeke is demonstrating various ways to play with packing paper.

Zeke in paper tent
Zeke in paper tent
Zeke in paper
Scooby and Zeke in paper
Scooby and Zeke in paper
zeke lying on paper
Flatten it out and make a bed!
Greg signature block small
signature greg


  1. Es ist immer wieder lustig anzusehen wie sehr Katzen Papier und Kartons lieben.
    Einen schönen dritten Advent.
    Sandra und ihre beiden Couchbesetzer Blacky und Cera

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wrapping paper is so much fun. Flynn used to like to burrow under it, then Eric would come along and flop down on top of him.

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  3. Yes, a kitty Christmas is assured once the wrapping paper and boxes come! Those all are great photos of little Zeke! I especially like the last one. Until I got cats, I had no idea they found anything as simple as paper exciting!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. No kidding! Paper on the floor is my kitty boys’ favorite. I think it’s the crinkly sound it makes and the fact they like to search under it for mousies, “just in case”!

        Liked by 1 person

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