Watchful Eyes

Scooby is tired out and seeming crashed out by all the cat toys on the floor. He is not asleep like he appears. He is keeping an eye out on the toys and OPIE just in case. He should not be greedy as there is a nip nana for every cat if they want to have a party. Opie is hesitant however. Sleep could change into a run and chase at a moment’s notice!

Scooby sleeping toys
Scooby enjoys a nice nap watching over the toys
Opie and toys
Opie wants to play with the toys
Scooby cat
Scooby sees you OPIE looking at the toys!
Greg signature block small
signature greg


  1. Scooby is so funny! Holly will only play with raffia balls lately but once in a while she’ll attack her ladybug. She doesn’t have any brothers and sisters to share with, lol.

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