Reflections of the past

Reflections of the past shows some pre-Wordpress blog photos from the old days. I started blogging in 2010 or maybe 2009 I can’t remember. The old blogs are deleted long ago. I also deleted most of my WordPress 2013 and 2014 posts to gain free storage space. The photos today are from 2010 and 2011 Opie and Zeke in no particular order. They were younger then: so were we all and much happier as well. . . . The featured photo is new: Mt. Rainier with a cloud cap. Good News: COMMENTS Allowed again on new posts!

2010 Zeke and his close friend orange Tabby Verty. They were great playmates until Verty died of cancer. Scooby was specifically selected to be Zeke’s new playmate and things worked out perfectly. Zeke had to wait five years for Scooby! I thought another tabby would be the best choice.
Dec 19 2010 Opie and Zeke grooming each other
Dec 19 2010 Zeke and Opie in the cat condo
Dec 17 2010 my photo appeared on Seattle Q13 Weather Forecast. Opie in foreground. the other three have passed on.

Thanks to Q13 Fox Seattle

Zeke in bed–things don’t change!
Opie enjoying sun in the catio
I am waiting! How about moving the ball!
Zeke being silly
Opie outside exploring on a frosty day
Opie enjoying her first snow outside.
Greg signature block small
signature greg


    1. The track ball toy is over ten years old. It was a big hit when the cats were younger but now I must spend most of the time batting the ball around the track while the kitties watch! Opie was just excited to be outside for a little bit.


  1. Opie and Zeke – you both know tabbies rule, right? I’m a tabby and we’re just as laid back as they come. We’re sorry about Verty. They’re pretty special when they become such good friends of ours! Good to be able to put my two cents on your blog again! – Tom xoxoxo

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  2. Hi Greg, lovely photos. I’m impressed how much Scooby looks like Tabby Verty. How similar is Scooby to Tabby Verty, and how wonderful you are to Zeke, lucky kitty! Wishing you well. ~ Mia

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    1. Scooby and Zeke are big pals although totally different breeds, and as they play together I get a break for time on my own. Actually Scooby is red and Verty was orange. Thanks for your wishes as we amuse ourselves at home awaiting the non-holiday season. I remember the Soup Nazi on “Seinfeld” and instead of “No soup for you”< now it is "No holiday for you!" (Yes I need to find something to do!)

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      1. Haha, the non-holiday season! Sadly, so true. I did check today and it looks like we’re locking up tight again, no Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year’s celebrations. I remember the Soup Nazi, perfect!!! Greg, you are funny! Oh, and I have an Orange, although I never thought about the color-color. He’s a light orange tabby with a dusting of blue from his mother! Wishing you a good evening. ~ Mia

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    1. Our moment of tv fame long ago. I have on occasion attempted to get a photo chosen again, as they still do the Petwalk Forecast, but never succeeded. I think the four cats in the snow in one photo clinched it.


  3. Not disparaging my current kitty boy (his mother was a tabby-marked Persian after all!) but I am partial to tabby cats myself, having had two very sweet tabbies. Were I to add another cat to my home, it would be a shelter tabby, preferably a ginger male.

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