Blog halt for Scooby

There is an immediate blog halt here for Scooby. He has been gravely ill–we still don’t know with what–all week and is in a highly rated referral animal hospital staffed with vet specialists for emergencies and the worst cases. I shall be there consulting later on today again.

Scooby the cat eating

Scooby crunching his kibbles in shelter Oct 2015

The one thing I do know about Scooby, and was told, is that he will require much attention when he comes home. He will be coming home this week on a trial basis but whether he can stay or survive is in question. So, that is it from me until things get much better or much worse. I only had the poor little guy since October. So that’s it from me for the duration.


  1. One of my coon cats was very sick. He had to have water given to him through an eye dropper. He came out of it, but I was worried we were going to lose him.

    Cats are such mysterious creatures, and that includes their illnesses.

    I was happy to read that Scooby is coming home


  2. Das lese ich nicht gerne und ich drücke von hier aus die Daumen dass der Grund gefunden wird und Scooby dementsprechend behandelt werden kann. Einfach schrecklich das mitmachen zu müssen und verständlich wenn er dann doppel verwöhnt wird. Alles Gute für Scooby und auch für dich, denn dein Herz wird auch ganz schön traurig sein.

    Liebe Grüsse



  3. Lieber Greg,
    ganz viele heilende Gedanken an den Scooby schicke ich.
    Möge es ihm bald wieder besser gehen dürfen damit er bei euch weiterhin eine schöne Zeit haben darf. ♥

    Liebe Grüsse


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