Opie loves Christmas music / Vintage Christmas postcards



Opie is a cat that enjoys music. She especially likes when I put a platter on the old record player purchased in 1974. I have an older and larger console model from the 60’s which works perfectly well, but you see I now use it as a TV stand.

cat and tv

Opie likes the screensaver

I had to protect the cloth over the speakers to prevent the cats from scratching them. My eyesight is poor so I must sit very close to see properly. Opie is waiting for me in my chair. She likes to sit in my lap and watch or sleep. I have several boxes full of records. I do sit and play them now and then. The most used ones are the Christmas albums, which are played in December.

Opie and record player

Opie loves music

Vintage Christmas Cards

My father kept all the holiday cards he received until 1930. Here are a few. They are all postcards and not folding cards. Some I can exactly date and others I cannot.They are mostly from the 1920’s. Cards do not show any publishers or origin.

Santa getting into sleigh

Christmas Card horse drawn wagon


Christmas Card children and wagon

1923 More abuse to come baby Sis!

Christmas Card Santa sleigh

Santa on sleigh

Christmas Card child on rocking horse

(1922) Reference to Teddy Roosevelt. Nice sword–don’t poke your eye out!

Christmas Card Santa emptying sack

1925 Took me a minute to figure this one out!

Christmas Card cats

1921 Cats for Christmas!

Christmas Postcard 1922


Christmas postcard 1923


Christmas postcard 1918

1918 Cancer Santa smoking pipe

Christmas postcard 1920



  1. What wonderful old cards–thanks for sharing them. I love that Opie enjoys music. My parents had a dog that loved when I played piano. He would sit under the bench while I played–thanks for bringing back that memory.


  2. A really nice collection of cards, very special they are a treasure.

    Gismo loves music too, especially classical music, but he leaves the paw from the record player and the speakers



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