1. Scooby is one brave cat. There’s no way we would get that close to the rug sucking monster.


  2. Scooby must really love and trust you! No cat of mine would sit like that when the vacuum cleaner was turned on. Sunny disappears as soon as the vacuum goes on and won’t come back for hours.


    1. I used to think he was deaf, but he is not. He strangely fears nothing at all. He does not fight and does not know how to defend himself either. He has many other odd behaviours. But he is loveable! Thanks for your comment Hangaku.


  3. Rom used to love being vacuumed, which is rather odd since most cats flee at the sight/sound of a vacuum. Saphera only likes being vacuumed when she’s shedding, and then Purrseidon looks on in confusion.

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