Focus on Zeke (4)

Focus on Zeke (4). Is it the 4th “Focus on” or 4 photos? Both! They are new photos but it is hard to tell as he is usually doing the same things most of the time. Zeke and Scooby chase each other through the house but it is too fast and furious for me to get a snap of. The aftermath is always a good long snooze by both of them. I been posting on Fridays but I may be taking a break for a while of undetermined length. We shall see. I also notice in the WP editor I now have an AI assistant. I am NOT going to press that button! I prefer my 3 hairy assistants who give me all the help I need. 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛

greg signature
signature greg


  1. All lovely pictures of Zeke! We’ll miss ya but we understand if you need a break. I’m never going to purposely engage with AI. I’ll do whatever I can to avoid it.

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  2. Every now and again I think I will take a break and I just don’t seem able to do it. I think of something that Katie wants me thinking of, and it’s all over but her dictation and my typing.

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  3. And what a handsome mancat Zeke is. I love the dreamy snoozy picture under the blanket, though all four are magnificent. Take a break, enjoy life, and come on back as you see fit.

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