Scooby’s Birthday or My Boomerang won’t come back!

This post documents a little of Scooby’s birthday Tuesday.  His “Gotcha” day is in October, and he insists that be celebrated as well.  He is pretty keen on the “Dynamite” catnip toys.  On this birthday I got him a new catnip boomerang toy to try out.  I will admit my eyes were watering when I removed it from it’s plastic case!  My face sort of resembled the face on the boomerang (From Drs Foster & Smith).  Additionally Scooby got some of his favorite cat treats, and got more than his daily allowance of them.  Some new “Jackson Galaxy” toy cat balls were thrown into the mix from Petsmart.  They are oddly shaped, and colorful enough to help me find them!  The cat balls were not too interesting at first, but in the morning they were all missing!  I had to retrieve them from under various pieces of furniture with an umbrella.  So let’s have a little look:

Scooby boomerang

This smells STRONG!

Scooby boomerang

Nice pillow!

Scooby catnip boomerang

Testing under the chin

Scooby licks boomeranag

Tastes good TOO!

catnip boomerang cat toy

Catnip Boomerang $5

three cat toy balls

“Jackson Galaxy” TM cat balls $5.69

I bought these things with my own money, and I am not endorsing them, just showing Scooby enjoying himself! How long the catnip will attract cats in the boomerang is an open question. At any rate he had a good time, and was very well behaved. That is all that matters.